Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Posted by Atsumori. Category:

A couple of years ago Austin Buffum gave a wonderful presentation to our school system about RTI and teaching children well. Buffum emphasized the need for educators to have a sense of urgency when it comes to serving children well.  That urgency to me demonstrates itself in the following ways:
  • Asking questions when a student demonstrates need or when you don't understand a support system.
  • Transparent, timely information that helps all educators understand learning systems, supports, and tools. 
  • Planning and preparation for the teaching year ahead.
  • Time-on-task with regard to teaching and service delivery.
  • Thoughtful care, concern, and action dedicated to meeting student needs.
At times, professional educators' questions are met with no response or even ridicule.  This puts the educator in a difficult position because how can a teacher serve a child well without needed knowledge, understanding, and timely support.  

I know it's not a perfect world, but if we are to teach children well, we need to streamline and make transparent systems of support--systems that welcome questions, ideas, and concern related to optimal student service. 


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