Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Glance Eye Cancer

In the world of health, we can never escape from the health problems that result in the instability of the human body.
Eye cancer (retinoblastoma) is generally a type of disease that attacks on the eyes, either on the part of the optic nerve, retina, iris, and all parts of the eye that causes the abnormality on physical circumstances or conditions of the eye. Eye cancer can occur due to various factors that influence are :

  • Heredity  
Genetic factors cause some families have a higher risk for certain cancers when compared to other families. Besides, it is also a genetic problem that causes uncontrolled cell growth that is supposed to be out of control.
  • Environmental Fact
  • Factors Foods that contain chemicals.
Food also may be other important risk factors cause cancer. Examples of foods that can cause cancer are:
- Food dyes  
- Heavy metals such as mercury are often found in contaminated seafood such as shellfish, fish.  
- A variety of food (sweet, flour) that are processed in excess.   
  • Virus
  • Infection
  • Free radicals
Free radical is an atom, group of atoms, or molecules that have unpaired electrons that are free dilingkaran outside. Sources of free radicals are:
>> Free radicals are formed as a byproduct of the metabolic process.

>> Free radicals enter the body in the form of chemical toxins from food, drinks, polluted air, and ultraviolet rays from the sun.

>> Excessive free radicals are produced when we eat too much (impact on metabolic processes) or when we are in a state of excessive stress, both physical stress, psychological, and biological. A variety of factors above is one of the main important aspect for us to pay more attention to and maintain a balance between the body and the various factors of health problems to be faced. Based on the research results of health research in Indonesia among 9000 children with cancer, eye cancer known as cancer that predominantly affects children - children under the age of 15 years, infant aged 6 months - 2 years and very rarely occurs in adults.
For this eye cancer patients may exhibit symptoms - symptoms such as:
>> White spot in the center of the eye
>> Squint suddenly
>> Disruption of vision
>> Eye redness
>> Eyes reflect light like a cat's eye.
The symptoms above are included initial symptoms. If the cancer has eyes in the category of high-level stage, the physical symptoms are white patches appear dilated eyes will stand out even more.
Eye cancer that we know so far is not just one type of eye cancer. In classification, the type of eye cancer can be divided into : 
  1. Eksoftalamus: abnormal protrusion on one or on both the eye
  2. Hordeolum: an infection in one or several nodes on the edge or under the eyelid. May form more than one hordeolum at the same time and usually occur within a few days and may resolve spontaneously.
  3. Intraocular: cancer that develops in an isolated part of the eye and the tumor located at the back of the eye.
Basically every disease has its own way of pegobatan accordance with the appropriate type and severity of disease germs that have evolved. This also applies to both the eye cancer is still at an early stage and advanced stage. In medicine, some of the results of studies and research experts are alternative treatments available to cure eye cancer.
Thus, including cancer into a chronic disease classifications that are very dangerous and can be divided into several types. However, basically it can be treated with specific treatment alternatives. All diseases can be prevented starts of maintaining a balance between the body's resistance to external factors circumstances around us. With routine efforts must be undertaken to prevent us from across a range of chronic diseases even jnis diseases such as cancer of the eye though.


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