Thursday, May 23, 2013

Report Card Review

What role does a report card play in today's education system?  At our PLC this morning we're examining the report card and sharing ideas for growth and change.

I believe that the report card at the elementary school level is a snapshot of a child's skills, knowledge, concept, and "learning to learn" habits and attitudes.

The report card should be fairly quick to complete and provide a holistic snapshot of a child's accomplishments and future goals.  Our elementary school report cards do not include traditional grades.  Instead children are marked with developing/progressing, meets grade level expectations, and exceeds expectations.  I think this kind of marking is much more reasonable for young children whose development is impacted greatly by their physical development, social/emotional factors, personal environment, and intellectual growth.

Our report cards are only one part of of many student assessment, coaching, and communication efforts.  We have two scheduled parent conferences, and conferences by request when needed. We also stay in regular communication with students and family members with newsletters, websites, special events, formative/summative assessments, and digital shares.

I'm leaning towards advocating for a standards-based and "learning to learn" habits and attitudes report.  A report like that will give teachers a chance to make sure that they embed essential learning standards into worthy learning design, and at the same time coach students with the "learning to learn" mindset and actions necessary to be a successful learner today.  This kind of report card will also be easily understood by students and family members by providing a view of where a child has strong skills, and what areas can be strengthened.

What kind of a reporting system and paperwork do you have in place related to young children? What do you think is essential when it comes to today's report card?  Do you think a report card is still necessary in this information age?  I'll be interested to see how the discussion moves this morning. I hope that we'll end up with an efficient, holistic report that directs and empowers students and family members with confidence, understanding, and support.


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