Saturday, November 2, 2013

Teaching and Learning Time Crunch

Posted by Atsumori. Category:

What we can teach and what we can learn is endless.

The choices today for educators are limitless, and the ways we personalize, plan, and effect awesome lessons, learning experiences, and coaching are numerous and ever changing.

In many cases, we see far more than time allows--thus the time crunch, and the continuous need for prioritizing, targeting, and focusing our time and efforts.

The places where we put our time as educators say a lot about who we are--our passions and priorities.

As I reflect on this, I realize that my greatest focus is on personalizing education to excite, engage, and educate young children--designing learning that embeds worthy standards, strategies, and students' interest to effect a love of learning, independence, and intellect.

I enjoy the craft and practice of education--that is the area I desire to work in with collaboration, creativity, and focus.  I like to see students advance with confidence, interest, skill, concept, and knowledge.

Hence, as I cull my commitments today, I'll keep those activities and efforts related to my primary focus and passion as an educator. I'll keep the Twitter chats, edcamps (when possible), conferences, targeted collaboration, student exchanges, and coaching in this effect.

There's so much to learn in education today, and as a generalists in elementary education, our work overlaps with so many other areas as we teach many subjects in many modes.  The more we can target our efforts and time, the better we will be able to teach, coach, and care for children.


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