Sunday, November 3, 2013

Planning the Path for the Weeks Ahead

Posted by Atsumori. Category:

I continue to be surprised by the hurdles being thrust in my way these days with regard to many initiatives. I keep rethinking, rewriting, and re-navigating the path only to find another hurdle. Yet, sticking to my new classroom-centric resolve is a step in the right direction. Also with regard to innovation, if the powers that be say no, I'll follow suit--I'm too tired to contest and advocate right now, and intend to do that work on my own with individual projects during off school hours.

So what do the weeks ahead bring?

Writing, Writing, and More Writing
Students are at a tough new turn with the persuasive writing unit. The next leg of that journey includes working with thought and care to finish their current "Should Students Have Homework?" essay using the structure and craft discussed, and memorizing the chants, mnemonics, and sayings to lead their independent work.  Finally, they'll have an end-of-unit assessment, and then we'll move on to our grade-wide culture project.

Math Focus
The math program is up and running using multiple tools and strategies. Children are generally enthusiastic about the learning, and have learned the classroom routines that support this work. We're finishing place value, reviewing line plots and some measurement, then moving forward to multiples and factors. Our facts and skills thread continues with weekly home study, quizzes, and targeted support and coaching.

We have lots of small, targeted reading groups working in the classroom, and plenty of time for read aloud, shared reading, and independent reading.  Fortunately almost every student enjoys reading which is a tribute to their parents and the many wonderful teachers before me.

Social Studies and Science
Social studies find us reading lots of immigration and culture picture books with an emphasis on story structure, "reading like an author," comprehension strategies, and learning about the many varied paths of immigrating to, and living in, America. Science has us focused on animal adaptation with an upcoming field trip to the farm to study this topic with hands-on activities. We'll also use both of these topics for close reading strategies and reading response writing in the weeks to come.

Buddies and Special Events
We've started working with our second grade buddies, and have lots of fun activities planned in that regard. Our next activity with be a snow person store to solidify number and money skills. Thanks to many volunteers and system support, we've got the Just Like Me program and an Immigration presentation coming up as well.

Professional Learning
I'll continue my weekly chats, blogging, research, and lesson choreography. I'm also planning to re-certify as an NBPTS, present at the NCTE conference, take the RETELL course, and participate in a few upcoming edcamps to continue the learning and keep the job fresh.  At school, I'm working with my grade level team to plan and implement RTI, PLCs and multiple grade-wide learning units and learning experiences.  I'm also a member of the system ELA committee so I'll do the work required there.

It has taken a while to get the routine down to a manageable, welcomed schedule. The year started with many unexpected events and schedule changes that I didn't anticipate. Now it's finally time to move forward with a manageable menu of activities, learning, and teaching.  Thanks for listening. As always I'm open to your consult should you have any suggestions.


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