Monday, October 28, 2013

Let Vision's Light Lead You

Posted by Atsumori. Category:

Have confidence in your vision.

Treat your vision with care and trust, and share your vision with happiness.

Don't expect others to understand without explanation, illustration, and share.

Your vision is the light that leads you.

A light that depends on your keen observation, listening, and reflection, and a light that will be revised and refined along the way.

Others may not see your light, but know they have their own, and coming together to share the light is integral to positive movement.

You have that freedom--the freedom to question, tell your story, advocate for what you see and understand as a good path, a promise, and potential.

Like a fine sculpture, your vision is always a work in progress, a work that gains from both the cut of naysayers and the new clay of comrades who share the journey with you.

Vision is not a race or a contest or a battle, instead vision is a direction, one that may be rocky at times, and smooth and inviting at other moments, but a direction nonetheless.

We spend a lot of time denying vision's strength and pull, when instead, like great leaders before us, we should trust the energy and not waste time with indecision.

Recognition of life's gifts, beauty, and grace leads us forward toward vision, and the support and care for others gives us companions on vision's path.

Educators, like us, who have chosen a career to serve others are led by vision's light, and the more we understand vision's strength and pull, the better we will be able to serve.

Thanks to DKerr's video for prompting this reflection:


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