Friday, February 21, 2014

The importance of Education for All People

Education is the most important thing in our lives, this means that every human being is entitled to and expect to always develop in education. Education in general has a meaning in the life processes of each individual to develop themselves to live and sustain life. Thus becoming an educated is very important. Education is the first time we get in a family environment, school environment and the community.

A child who will cherish cherished his family, so that the child will feel that the child needs in the family. For families to feel as a source of strength who built it. Thus there will be a situation of mutual help, mutual respect, which strongly supports the development of the child. In the family that gave the maximum chance of growth, and development are the parents. In a family environment for developing self-esteem appreciated, accepted, loved, and respected as a human being. That is the importance of why we become educated on the environment
family. Parents teach us start from childhood to respect others.

While in the school environment into education and if both parents have enough money then can proceed to a higher level and will continue to university and then become a well-educated. How important was education. Teachers as media educators provide knowledge in accordance with the capabilities. The role of the teacher as a role educators provide assistance and encouragement, as well as tasks related to disciplining children so that children can have a sense of responsibility with what he did. Teachers also must be sought to be given lessons always enough to attract children

Besides the role of society is also important for students. This means providing an overview of how we live in a society. Thus when we interact with people, they will judge us, that know where people are educated and not educated. In an age of globalization is expected to develop the younger generation so that the knowledge gained is not left behind in the times. That's the importance of being a well-educated in the Family, School, and Community.  

Monday, February 17, 2014

Volcanism, Intrusion and Extrusion of Magma Forms

Volcanism is all the events related to the magma reaches the Earth's surface out through cracks in the earth's crust or through a canal called the ribbon that central crater or diatrema.

Magma that came to the surface of the earth is called lava. magma can move up because that has a high temperature and contain gases that have enough energy to push help on it. In the lithosphere magma occupies a bag which is called magma chamber. depth of the magma chamber is a cause of differences in the strength of volcanic eruptions that occurred. in general, the deeper magma chamber of the earth's surface, the stronger the resulting explosion. duration of volcanic activity originating from magma is determined by the size of the volume of the magma chamber. magma is what is the main source of volcanism.

Bancuh rocks (mélange is a geological phenomenon which is only found in a few locations in the region of Indonesia, such as in Karangsambung (Central Java), ciletuh (West Java), Bantimala (South Sulawesi) and sea island (South Kalimantan). Rocks of this type is defined as a mixture of rock formation originating from different environments and mixed through a particular mechanism both tectonic and through the process of sedimentation.

Forms of magma intrusion
What is meant by the intrusion of magma into the magma is the inclusion of the rock layers forming the earth's crust (magma does not get out). movement of magma intrusion flat (sill or intrusion plate) is magma that infiltrate between two layers of rocks, horizontal and parallel to the layers. Lakolit is that magma broke through a small layer between the top of the earth. alley (excavation) is the result of intrusion of magma rocks that infiltrate and freezes in between the folds. diatrema is a hole (pipe) between the magma chamber and the volcano crater.

Forms of magma extrusion
Is a magma intrusion events to reach the earth's surface and forms volcanoes that occur when the gas pressure is strong enough and there are cracks in the earth's crust
magma that came out to the surface of the earth is called the eruption.

Forms of Eruption  
  • Which is a linear eruption magma out through cracks in the earth's crust, forming a row of elongated cone volcano 
  • Eruption area is magma that melts at the earth's surface as magma chamber lies very close to the earth's surface with less volcanic craters, forming a very broad 
  • The central eruption is mgma who came out through the hole on the surface of the earth and the mountains forming a separate location  

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Interprofessional Education

The minimum number of health personnel to backfire at this time, not only in Indonesia, but also almost all countries in the world. WHO has issued an outline of the Framework for Action on interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice. The Global Health Workforce be a need to strengthen health systems that promote successful collaborative working and can be applied to the local health system. This is a challenge for policy makers, health care workers, managers, and community members around the world

Many things that trigger crises and problems in the health field. We can lift some of the examples. First, approximately 4.3 million health workers have been unanimously recognized as the biggest barrier to achieving the Millennium Development Goals related to health. Second, problems that occur on a national scale is centralized health planning within a period long enough impact on the failure in achieving the development goals of health, namely to increase the status of the health of society. Third, that the health service has not been too good collaboration, so that the results are not optimal and just spend a lot of cost.

In this case, we're looking for innovation, solutions, and transforming systems that can guarantee sufficient supply of health workers. One of the many options that promise, is the presence of interprofessional Colaboration. Interprofessional collaboration is important to improve the effectiveness and quality of the health care system.

Interprofesi collaboration in health care has the potential to offer a comprehensive, cost-effective patient care and a new emphasis on health promotion and disease prevention. Collaboration interprofesi also the implementation of the Law No. 22 of 1999 on Regional Governance in the health sector, where it takes a team in health care. The team not only consists of doctors, but can be from various fields related to nurses, dietitians, technicians, and so forth. Then, how is the embodiment of this concept?
We need interprofessional Education for the sake of a good team collaboration in health care. Interprofessional Education or translation in the Indonesian language, Interprofesional Education, an educational model that is relevant for achieving health targets in line with the Millennium Development Goals and also the concrete realization of the Law No. 22 of 1999. Interprofessional Education (IPE) involving teachers and students from two or more health professions and their basic disciplines, which together create and maintain a collaborative learning environment. Interdisciplinary teams are very important in health care delivery. The division of labor between the medical, nursing, and health practitioner members means that no single professional who can provide complete health care.
The purpose of the IPE for students is to learn how to function in a team interprofesional and foster the knowledge, skills, and values ​​in the practice of their future, which in turn provide patient care interprofesional as part of a collaborative team and is focused on improving patient outcomes. Interprofesional team consists of members from different healthcare professionals who have specialized knowledge, skills, and abilities. 

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Human Cloning and the Future

Lately, technology and science in various fields of human life has developed so rapidly. The development was also occurring in the field of health and biology. It was good when it is used to support human life. However, such developments occur rapidly opened up a new world of human beings to take control in biological engineering, cloning. Humans are now able to manipulate life in the lab and open the gateway to what is called "A Brave New World".

Human Cloning
Cloning first gained worldwide attention when a Nobelis Joshua Lederberg, wrote about the prospect of human cloning. He said that the reproductive cloning of human beings can control and generate superior genes and many other advantages. His assessment is based on the successful trial of asexual reproduction in frogs.
However, there are also many questions about the moral status of cloning it. Is cloning can simply be accepted and implemented? Is the control over human reproduction does not conflict with human values​​? These questions are supported by a number of technological and cultural developments that are morally ambiguous. Technological developments also make a lot of changes in the human understanding of family relationships. Technology enables people to create a lot of new family forms so that an understanding of the natural family relations into chaos.
There are many problems that arise.
  1. Sexual revolution: free sex not for procreation. If sex is not for procreation, then descent should not be obtained from sexual intercourse. Thought it sharpens the understanding of the meaning of human procreation and sexuality.
  2. Feminisime and gay rights movement: if men and women are complementary and generative effect, then the baby does not have to be present through the union of ovum and sperm. So monogamy is considered as being the ideal place procreation would not be so regarded in our cultural norms. To that end, cloning would be the last option: single parents. Thought it sharpens the understanding of gender equality.
  3. Through cloning produced the desired child. It examines the general understanding that the child is a child born desired. This kind of thinking is used to oppose abortion and contraception.
  4. With modern thinking and individualism man trying to form individual self: not only as a self-made man but also manmade selves. Humans no longer think that it is solely determined by tradition and ancestry.
Nevertheless the question arises: whether human procreation to produce human? whether the child was made​​, ordered or obtained as a gift? and whether we will say "yes" to the designer Brave New World? Indeed, the country is now trying to restrict human cloning research efforts. However, we can not say that we are now faced with a great opportunity for the future of the human to make humans more dignified.      

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Hurricane winds is a vortex with wind speeds of 120 km / h or more are common in tropical regions between the Tropic of Cancer and south, except in areas very close to the equator. Hurricanes are caused by pressure differences in a weather system. The most strong winds that occur in the tropics is generally whirls with a radius of hundreds of kilometers around the area of extreme low pressure system with a speed of about 20 km / hour.

In short it can be explained that the wind is moving air. According to Buys Ballot, weather scientist from France, the wind is moving air mass from the maximum pressure area pressure area to a minimum. The movement of air masses is known as the horizontal direction of the wind. Cup anemometer is a device used to measure wind speed. The units used in determining the wind speed is km / h or knots (1 knot = 0.5148 m / s = 1.854 km / h). Sisteman naming winds usually associated with the direction of the air mass.

Miscellaneous wind storm in the world : 
  1. Hurricane
    is a large-scale storm that has a range of 100-1000 mile area. resulting from low pressure that occurs in warm temperate seas. If the wind is blowing in the sea, and with no regard to other factors that hurricanes tend to happen. hurricanes occur in the Atlantic and eastern Pacific oceans.
    Hurricanes produce rain and wind speeds between 74-160 miles per hour. Large floods are usually associated with this type of wind. hurricanes have spin counter-clockwise (cyclonic) in the northern hemisphere and vice versa in the southern hemisphere.
  2. Typhoon
    Hurricanes have a sense similar to the hurricane, the wind just happened in the western Pacific Ocean and thus tend to be larger than the intensity of hurricanes given the western part of the Pacific Ocean has a broader sea of the Atlantic.
  3. Tornado
    a storm tornadoes local areas having diameters between 50 m to more than 1.5 miles. Often appeared in the USA at the time of cold air from Canada meets warm air from Mexico. wind can blow at speeds of 60 to over 320 miles per hour, causing more damage than hurricanes. Tornado is usually followed by hail and lightning. This type of storm is very difficult to predict because of the short duration.
  4. Hurricanes, typhoons, tornadoes and heavy rain also long can we combine them all in one word STORM.
    Beaufort scale (a scale used to classify the types of wind), storms into the beaufort scale 11 with winds between 64-75 miles per hour, while the hurricane is on level 12 on a scale Beufort at speeds above 75 miles per hour
Symptoms and Early Warning
Tropical hurricanes can happen suddenly, but most of these storms are formed through a process of several hours or days that can be monitored by weather satellites. Monitoring by satellite can be to determine the direction of hurricanes so enough time to provide early warning. Despite this change in the weather is very complex systems that are difficult to make predictions quickly and accurately.

Mitigation Strategy for Disaster Reduction Efforts :
  1. Creating a structure that meets the technical requirements to be able to withstand the force of the wind
  2. The necessity of the application of standard rules that take into account building wind loads, especially in areas prone to hurricanes
  3. Placement is an important facility construction site in areas sheltered from typhoons.
  4. Greening at the top of the wind direction to dampen the force of the wind.
  5. Making public buildings are spacious enough to be used as temporary shelters for people and goods in the event of a hurricane strike.
  6. Security / retrofitting the parts easily by the wind which can be dangerous to themselves or others around them.
  7. Hurricane preparedness in the face, knowing how to rescue themselves
  8. Securing items around the house that are bound / built strong that the wind       

Friday, January 31, 2014

New Innovations In Nanotechnology Sector In Indonesia

Nanotechnology development in Indonesia is done since around 2000. Over the last 10 years appeared various applications. Nanotechnology innovation have nurtured new business field instrumentation that can penetrate the world market. Nanotechnology or engineering technology of nanometer-scale substances or billionth of a meter long period of development has not been classified. The concept was first introduced in late 1959 by Richard Feynman, U.S. physicist who later won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1965. However, nano technology was already studied first by Professor Norio Taniguchi of Tokyo Science University. In 1940, he began to study the mechanism of crystal kuarts manufacture nanomaterials, silicon, and alumina ceramics using ultrasonic machine.

Miniaturization of molecular material until the order was carried out, among others, fueled by the demands of downsizing of electronic devices and computers. With the nano particles, the integrated circuit or IC measuring 1 square centimeter, for example, can be loaded with billions of transistors to the circuit capacity of terabytes, not gigabytes anymore. The potential application of nanotechnology might be bigger, not merely to make nanomaterials for microelectronics devices, but also for other industries. The application of nano materials not only in engineering goods, but also in food products, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics.

The application of nanotechnology in various fields will change the life of modern society. By creating nanometer-scale particles, then paste it in between the micron-sized particles, will produce a new type of material is super, among others, the level of violence, the delivery of electricity, and magnetic properties. With the advantages that will be produced quality products, which is not easy to wear, because the energy-saving heat-resistant, and does not require refrigeration. Thus, it will save operational and maintenance costs as well as environmentally friendly.

Blending of nanoscale materials in the nitrile titan ceramic composites will produce new materials that exceed the hardness of diamonds. If the nano materials used in paint, will affect scratch, can not fade, and reflect the heat. Nano particles of paint will make your house or vehicle remains cool despite exposure to sunlight.

Innovation in Indonesia .
In creating innovations in the field of nanotechnology , researchers Indonesia is not inferior to foreign researchers . Some works of nanotechnology innovations in Indonesia exhibited in R & D Ritech Expo 2010. The exhibition, which ends on Sunday (22/8) that show about 28 products of nanotechnologies innovation nation's children . Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT) , for example , displays plastic packaging and components on the solid electrolyte fuel cell made ​​of a polymer-based nano- composites . Packaging materials are waterproof and air , while the electrolyte delivery of heat and electricity is much better . Meanwhile , researchers at the Center for Material and Technical Ministry of Industry (Ministry of Industry B4T) managed to make the paint of precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC) nanoscale . PCC makes use of paints underwater construction is scratch resistant , salt mist resistant , and highly water-resistant . While nanosilika made ​​Nurul Taufiqu Rochman of Applied Physics Research Center Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) , when mixed with cement to produce concrete strength twice the strength of ordinary concrete . Andrea nanomaterial applications also Marisi Dame B4T Siahaan from the Ministry of Industry . He made ​​a spreader layer (diffuser) light to LED light alloy nano compound BCNO (Boron Carbon Nitrogen Oxigen) 

With this nano coating, LED lighting level 6 watts of power can equal a 60 watt incandescent bulb. Nanomagnet systems are also being designed for micro hydro power plant with a capacity of 5 kilowatts. Head of Metals and Machinery (BBLM) Kemenperin Muhammad Word estimates, within two years, the nanomagnet can already be applied to the system. Nanomagnet will reduce half the diameter of the turbine, but the same capacity. Meanwhile, nanoscale materials are already successfully infiltrated the commercial products resulting national industry, among others, on crystal display TV, sensors, textiles, cosmetics, medicine, and food. In cosmetics, moisturizers made ​​nanosel there. This element nano can better cover the wrinkles and brighten the face.


Sunday, January 26, 2014

Solar Storms and Solar Bursts

Solar storms is a widespread issue lately. Many people worry about, even think of it as the end of the world. However, if the solar storm? Solar storms is essentially not much different from the "sun burst" (solar flares). If the power of the sun or a solar flare bursts is large, it will be referred to as the solar storm.

Shot of the sun is when there is a "bright spot" or "burst of energy" over the surface of the sun. Experts claim that this bright spot is interpreted as a very large release of energy (up to 6 × 1025 joules, about one sixth the total solar energy output per second). This explosion spraying clouds of electrons, ions, and atoms through the corona into space. If large enough, then the cloud will reach the Earth within a day or two.

In this event, when the plasma medium on the surface of the sun 'baked' to millions of degrees Celsius, the plasma medium will be 'broken' and launched a variety of particle (electrons, protons, ions) near the speed of light. This burst of energy can produce radiation in the entire electromagnetic spectrum from radio waves usual, x-rays, to gamma rays. Rarely wave-shaped burst of energy that can be seen with the naked eye, in a variety of specialized equipment needed to observe. X-rays and UV radiation emitted by these solar storms can reach the Earth's ionosphere and disrupt radio communications, radar, internet, and other devices that operate by using a wave. He did not pose 'storm' in the real sense (rain, tornadoes, and etc.).
Solar flares were first investigated by Richard Christopher Carrington and independently by Richard Hodgson in 1859. The frequency of solar storms vary widely, from once a week to several times a day, following the 11-year cycle (the solar cycle).
Solar Storm: Is Harmful?
Dangerous or not the solar storm depends on the strength, but clearly, it only resulted in a variety of damage to or interference with any frequency-based equipment.
The most powerful solar storm ever observed occurred on September 1, 1859, and was reported by British astronomer Richard Carrington and Richard Hodgson. This event was named "Solar Storm 1859" or the "Carrington event". These storms can be seen by the naked eye (in white light), and produce stunning aurora in tropical regions such as Cuba or Hawaii. This event is reported to cause a lot of the time the telegraph instrument dead. The sun storm also left its mark on the ice in Greenland in the form of nitrates and beryllium-10.
In modern times, a large solar storm ever occurred on 4 November 2003, then also occurred on April 2, 2001 (X20), October 28, 2003 (X17.2 & X10), 7 September 2005 (X17), February 17, 2011 (X2) , August 10, 2011 (X6.9), and that occurred in early 2012.
Who need to be aware of solar storm in modern times in which the development of science and technology so advanced it is precisely because it is not functioning or damage to the various means of communication, especially those in outer space like a satellite. Damage to these communication tools will certainly result in economic loss is not small. Internet and telephone networks were cut off for several days and smartphones are not functioning normally, of course, makes it difficult to relate modern humans became especially inter-connected with social networking sites. This of course will result in a mess the world of business and communication.   
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