Friday, January 31, 2014

New Innovations In Nanotechnology Sector In Indonesia

Posted by Atsumori. Category: ,

Nanotechnology development in Indonesia is done since around 2000. Over the last 10 years appeared various applications. Nanotechnology innovation have nurtured new business field instrumentation that can penetrate the world market. Nanotechnology or engineering technology of nanometer-scale substances or billionth of a meter long period of development has not been classified. The concept was first introduced in late 1959 by Richard Feynman, U.S. physicist who later won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1965. However, nano technology was already studied first by Professor Norio Taniguchi of Tokyo Science University. In 1940, he began to study the mechanism of crystal kuarts manufacture nanomaterials, silicon, and alumina ceramics using ultrasonic machine.

Miniaturization of molecular material until the order was carried out, among others, fueled by the demands of downsizing of electronic devices and computers. With the nano particles, the integrated circuit or IC measuring 1 square centimeter, for example, can be loaded with billions of transistors to the circuit capacity of terabytes, not gigabytes anymore. The potential application of nanotechnology might be bigger, not merely to make nanomaterials for microelectronics devices, but also for other industries. The application of nano materials not only in engineering goods, but also in food products, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics.

The application of nanotechnology in various fields will change the life of modern society. By creating nanometer-scale particles, then paste it in between the micron-sized particles, will produce a new type of material is super, among others, the level of violence, the delivery of electricity, and magnetic properties. With the advantages that will be produced quality products, which is not easy to wear, because the energy-saving heat-resistant, and does not require refrigeration. Thus, it will save operational and maintenance costs as well as environmentally friendly.

Blending of nanoscale materials in the nitrile titan ceramic composites will produce new materials that exceed the hardness of diamonds. If the nano materials used in paint, will affect scratch, can not fade, and reflect the heat. Nano particles of paint will make your house or vehicle remains cool despite exposure to sunlight.

Innovation in Indonesia .
In creating innovations in the field of nanotechnology , researchers Indonesia is not inferior to foreign researchers . Some works of nanotechnology innovations in Indonesia exhibited in R & D Ritech Expo 2010. The exhibition, which ends on Sunday (22/8) that show about 28 products of nanotechnologies innovation nation's children . Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT) , for example , displays plastic packaging and components on the solid electrolyte fuel cell made ​​of a polymer-based nano- composites . Packaging materials are waterproof and air , while the electrolyte delivery of heat and electricity is much better . Meanwhile , researchers at the Center for Material and Technical Ministry of Industry (Ministry of Industry B4T) managed to make the paint of precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC) nanoscale . PCC makes use of paints underwater construction is scratch resistant , salt mist resistant , and highly water-resistant . While nanosilika made ​​Nurul Taufiqu Rochman of Applied Physics Research Center Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) , when mixed with cement to produce concrete strength twice the strength of ordinary concrete . Andrea nanomaterial applications also Marisi Dame B4T Siahaan from the Ministry of Industry . He made ​​a spreader layer (diffuser) light to LED light alloy nano compound BCNO (Boron Carbon Nitrogen Oxigen) 

With this nano coating, LED lighting level 6 watts of power can equal a 60 watt incandescent bulb. Nanomagnet systems are also being designed for micro hydro power plant with a capacity of 5 kilowatts. Head of Metals and Machinery (BBLM) Kemenperin Muhammad Word estimates, within two years, the nanomagnet can already be applied to the system. Nanomagnet will reduce half the diameter of the turbine, but the same capacity. Meanwhile, nanoscale materials are already successfully infiltrated the commercial products resulting national industry, among others, on crystal display TV, sensors, textiles, cosmetics, medicine, and food. In cosmetics, moisturizers made ​​nanosel there. This element nano can better cover the wrinkles and brighten the face.



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