Sunday, January 26, 2014

Solar Storms and Solar Bursts

Posted by Atsumori. Category:

Solar storms is a widespread issue lately. Many people worry about, even think of it as the end of the world. However, if the solar storm? Solar storms is essentially not much different from the "sun burst" (solar flares). If the power of the sun or a solar flare bursts is large, it will be referred to as the solar storm.

Shot of the sun is when there is a "bright spot" or "burst of energy" over the surface of the sun. Experts claim that this bright spot is interpreted as a very large release of energy (up to 6 × 1025 joules, about one sixth the total solar energy output per second). This explosion spraying clouds of electrons, ions, and atoms through the corona into space. If large enough, then the cloud will reach the Earth within a day or two.

In this event, when the plasma medium on the surface of the sun 'baked' to millions of degrees Celsius, the plasma medium will be 'broken' and launched a variety of particle (electrons, protons, ions) near the speed of light. This burst of energy can produce radiation in the entire electromagnetic spectrum from radio waves usual, x-rays, to gamma rays. Rarely wave-shaped burst of energy that can be seen with the naked eye, in a variety of specialized equipment needed to observe. X-rays and UV radiation emitted by these solar storms can reach the Earth's ionosphere and disrupt radio communications, radar, internet, and other devices that operate by using a wave. He did not pose 'storm' in the real sense (rain, tornadoes, and etc.).
Solar flares were first investigated by Richard Christopher Carrington and independently by Richard Hodgson in 1859. The frequency of solar storms vary widely, from once a week to several times a day, following the 11-year cycle (the solar cycle).
Solar Storm: Is Harmful?
Dangerous or not the solar storm depends on the strength, but clearly, it only resulted in a variety of damage to or interference with any frequency-based equipment.
The most powerful solar storm ever observed occurred on September 1, 1859, and was reported by British astronomer Richard Carrington and Richard Hodgson. This event was named "Solar Storm 1859" or the "Carrington event". These storms can be seen by the naked eye (in white light), and produce stunning aurora in tropical regions such as Cuba or Hawaii. This event is reported to cause a lot of the time the telegraph instrument dead. The sun storm also left its mark on the ice in Greenland in the form of nitrates and beryllium-10.
In modern times, a large solar storm ever occurred on 4 November 2003, then also occurred on April 2, 2001 (X20), October 28, 2003 (X17.2 & X10), 7 September 2005 (X17), February 17, 2011 (X2) , August 10, 2011 (X6.9), and that occurred in early 2012.
Who need to be aware of solar storm in modern times in which the development of science and technology so advanced it is precisely because it is not functioning or damage to the various means of communication, especially those in outer space like a satellite. Damage to these communication tools will certainly result in economic loss is not small. Internet and telephone networks were cut off for several days and smartphones are not functioning normally, of course, makes it difficult to relate modern humans became especially inter-connected with social networking sites. This of course will result in a mess the world of business and communication.   


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