Friday, January 31, 2014

New Innovations In Nanotechnology Sector In Indonesia

Nanotechnology development in Indonesia is done since around 2000. Over the last 10 years appeared various applications. Nanotechnology innovation have nurtured new business field instrumentation that can penetrate the world market. Nanotechnology or engineering technology of nanometer-scale substances or billionth of a meter long period of development has not been classified. The concept was first introduced in late 1959 by Richard Feynman, U.S. physicist who later won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1965. However, nano technology was already studied first by Professor Norio Taniguchi of Tokyo Science University. In 1940, he began to study the mechanism of crystal kuarts manufacture nanomaterials, silicon, and alumina ceramics using ultrasonic machine.

Miniaturization of molecular material until the order was carried out, among others, fueled by the demands of downsizing of electronic devices and computers. With the nano particles, the integrated circuit or IC measuring 1 square centimeter, for example, can be loaded with billions of transistors to the circuit capacity of terabytes, not gigabytes anymore. The potential application of nanotechnology might be bigger, not merely to make nanomaterials for microelectronics devices, but also for other industries. The application of nano materials not only in engineering goods, but also in food products, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics.

The application of nanotechnology in various fields will change the life of modern society. By creating nanometer-scale particles, then paste it in between the micron-sized particles, will produce a new type of material is super, among others, the level of violence, the delivery of electricity, and magnetic properties. With the advantages that will be produced quality products, which is not easy to wear, because the energy-saving heat-resistant, and does not require refrigeration. Thus, it will save operational and maintenance costs as well as environmentally friendly.

Blending of nanoscale materials in the nitrile titan ceramic composites will produce new materials that exceed the hardness of diamonds. If the nano materials used in paint, will affect scratch, can not fade, and reflect the heat. Nano particles of paint will make your house or vehicle remains cool despite exposure to sunlight.

Innovation in Indonesia .
In creating innovations in the field of nanotechnology , researchers Indonesia is not inferior to foreign researchers . Some works of nanotechnology innovations in Indonesia exhibited in R & D Ritech Expo 2010. The exhibition, which ends on Sunday (22/8) that show about 28 products of nanotechnologies innovation nation's children . Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT) , for example , displays plastic packaging and components on the solid electrolyte fuel cell made ​​of a polymer-based nano- composites . Packaging materials are waterproof and air , while the electrolyte delivery of heat and electricity is much better . Meanwhile , researchers at the Center for Material and Technical Ministry of Industry (Ministry of Industry B4T) managed to make the paint of precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC) nanoscale . PCC makes use of paints underwater construction is scratch resistant , salt mist resistant , and highly water-resistant . While nanosilika made ​​Nurul Taufiqu Rochman of Applied Physics Research Center Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) , when mixed with cement to produce concrete strength twice the strength of ordinary concrete . Andrea nanomaterial applications also Marisi Dame B4T Siahaan from the Ministry of Industry . He made ​​a spreader layer (diffuser) light to LED light alloy nano compound BCNO (Boron Carbon Nitrogen Oxigen) 

With this nano coating, LED lighting level 6 watts of power can equal a 60 watt incandescent bulb. Nanomagnet systems are also being designed for micro hydro power plant with a capacity of 5 kilowatts. Head of Metals and Machinery (BBLM) Kemenperin Muhammad Word estimates, within two years, the nanomagnet can already be applied to the system. Nanomagnet will reduce half the diameter of the turbine, but the same capacity. Meanwhile, nanoscale materials are already successfully infiltrated the commercial products resulting national industry, among others, on crystal display TV, sensors, textiles, cosmetics, medicine, and food. In cosmetics, moisturizers made ​​nanosel there. This element nano can better cover the wrinkles and brighten the face.


Sunday, January 26, 2014

Solar Storms and Solar Bursts

Solar storms is a widespread issue lately. Many people worry about, even think of it as the end of the world. However, if the solar storm? Solar storms is essentially not much different from the "sun burst" (solar flares). If the power of the sun or a solar flare bursts is large, it will be referred to as the solar storm.

Shot of the sun is when there is a "bright spot" or "burst of energy" over the surface of the sun. Experts claim that this bright spot is interpreted as a very large release of energy (up to 6 × 1025 joules, about one sixth the total solar energy output per second). This explosion spraying clouds of electrons, ions, and atoms through the corona into space. If large enough, then the cloud will reach the Earth within a day or two.

In this event, when the plasma medium on the surface of the sun 'baked' to millions of degrees Celsius, the plasma medium will be 'broken' and launched a variety of particle (electrons, protons, ions) near the speed of light. This burst of energy can produce radiation in the entire electromagnetic spectrum from radio waves usual, x-rays, to gamma rays. Rarely wave-shaped burst of energy that can be seen with the naked eye, in a variety of specialized equipment needed to observe. X-rays and UV radiation emitted by these solar storms can reach the Earth's ionosphere and disrupt radio communications, radar, internet, and other devices that operate by using a wave. He did not pose 'storm' in the real sense (rain, tornadoes, and etc.).
Solar flares were first investigated by Richard Christopher Carrington and independently by Richard Hodgson in 1859. The frequency of solar storms vary widely, from once a week to several times a day, following the 11-year cycle (the solar cycle).
Solar Storm: Is Harmful?
Dangerous or not the solar storm depends on the strength, but clearly, it only resulted in a variety of damage to or interference with any frequency-based equipment.
The most powerful solar storm ever observed occurred on September 1, 1859, and was reported by British astronomer Richard Carrington and Richard Hodgson. This event was named "Solar Storm 1859" or the "Carrington event". These storms can be seen by the naked eye (in white light), and produce stunning aurora in tropical regions such as Cuba or Hawaii. This event is reported to cause a lot of the time the telegraph instrument dead. The sun storm also left its mark on the ice in Greenland in the form of nitrates and beryllium-10.
In modern times, a large solar storm ever occurred on 4 November 2003, then also occurred on April 2, 2001 (X20), October 28, 2003 (X17.2 & X10), 7 September 2005 (X17), February 17, 2011 (X2) , August 10, 2011 (X6.9), and that occurred in early 2012.
Who need to be aware of solar storm in modern times in which the development of science and technology so advanced it is precisely because it is not functioning or damage to the various means of communication, especially those in outer space like a satellite. Damage to these communication tools will certainly result in economic loss is not small. Internet and telephone networks were cut off for several days and smartphones are not functioning normally, of course, makes it difficult to relate modern humans became especially inter-connected with social networking sites. This of course will result in a mess the world of business and communication.   

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Glance Eye Cancer

In the world of health, we can never escape from the health problems that result in the instability of the human body.
Eye cancer (retinoblastoma) is generally a type of disease that attacks on the eyes, either on the part of the optic nerve, retina, iris, and all parts of the eye that causes the abnormality on physical circumstances or conditions of the eye. Eye cancer can occur due to various factors that influence are :

  • Heredity  
Genetic factors cause some families have a higher risk for certain cancers when compared to other families. Besides, it is also a genetic problem that causes uncontrolled cell growth that is supposed to be out of control.
  • Environmental Fact
  • Factors Foods that contain chemicals.
Food also may be other important risk factors cause cancer. Examples of foods that can cause cancer are:
- Food dyes  
- Heavy metals such as mercury are often found in contaminated seafood such as shellfish, fish.  
- A variety of food (sweet, flour) that are processed in excess.   
  • Virus
  • Infection
  • Free radicals
Free radical is an atom, group of atoms, or molecules that have unpaired electrons that are free dilingkaran outside. Sources of free radicals are:
>> Free radicals are formed as a byproduct of the metabolic process.

>> Free radicals enter the body in the form of chemical toxins from food, drinks, polluted air, and ultraviolet rays from the sun.

>> Excessive free radicals are produced when we eat too much (impact on metabolic processes) or when we are in a state of excessive stress, both physical stress, psychological, and biological. A variety of factors above is one of the main important aspect for us to pay more attention to and maintain a balance between the body and the various factors of health problems to be faced. Based on the research results of health research in Indonesia among 9000 children with cancer, eye cancer known as cancer that predominantly affects children - children under the age of 15 years, infant aged 6 months - 2 years and very rarely occurs in adults.
For this eye cancer patients may exhibit symptoms - symptoms such as:
>> White spot in the center of the eye
>> Squint suddenly
>> Disruption of vision
>> Eye redness
>> Eyes reflect light like a cat's eye.
The symptoms above are included initial symptoms. If the cancer has eyes in the category of high-level stage, the physical symptoms are white patches appear dilated eyes will stand out even more.
Eye cancer that we know so far is not just one type of eye cancer. In classification, the type of eye cancer can be divided into : 
  1. Eksoftalamus: abnormal protrusion on one or on both the eye
  2. Hordeolum: an infection in one or several nodes on the edge or under the eyelid. May form more than one hordeolum at the same time and usually occur within a few days and may resolve spontaneously.
  3. Intraocular: cancer that develops in an isolated part of the eye and the tumor located at the back of the eye.
Basically every disease has its own way of pegobatan accordance with the appropriate type and severity of disease germs that have evolved. This also applies to both the eye cancer is still at an early stage and advanced stage. In medicine, some of the results of studies and research experts are alternative treatments available to cure eye cancer.
Thus, including cancer into a chronic disease classifications that are very dangerous and can be divided into several types. However, basically it can be treated with specific treatment alternatives. All diseases can be prevented starts of maintaining a balance between the body's resistance to external factors circumstances around us. With routine efforts must be undertaken to prevent us from across a range of chronic diseases even jnis diseases such as cancer of the eye though.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Symptoms of Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer is a type of malignancy that affects women. The main cause of cervical cancer is the human papilloma virus (HPV). This virus was found in 77% of women infected with HIV-positive women and the rest of it to anyone. In Indonesia, cervical cancer is a threat to women because it fits the data found every day 40 women who expressed cervical cancer, 20 of them died. In the world once every two minutes a woman is diagnosed with cervical cancer had died two minutes.

Lack of knowledge about the symptoms and signs of cervical kankers make most women do not realize. Even cancer will attack anyone in the susceptible age is infinite. Women do not realize when Human papilloma virus (HPV) attack. HPV, tiny microorganisms which measures 55 mm and has 100 types of HPV can cause warts menginfeksi skin up. Viruses multiply and survive attacks the immune system to trigger cervical cancer.

Early Symptoms of Cervical Cancer 
In early-stage cervical cancer symptoms are hard to find. Cervical cancer patients infected with the virus at the beginning just like a normal woman. The medical examination with a Pap test can help detect early cervical cancer symptom. Smear tests can be done at the age of 21 years and then performed periodically every three years. At the age of 30 will be performed pap tests and HPV tests are also continuously until the age of 65 years. As for the other symptoms that lead to infection of the HPV virus are as follows :

  • Discharge patogonis 
Vaginal discharge that is other than the blood of femininity fluid in the lot. Although not all of the harmful discharge but if you have a vaginal discharge with the following features, you should be wary: The release of fluid in quantity, turned into liquid mud, Bad unpalatable, Tinted not normal (yellowish, greenish, brownish), arising feeling hot and itchy in the area of femininity
white with features to take into consideration, please consult with a medical specialist obygn.

  • Pain in the area of ​​femininity 
The pain that strikes feminine area caused due to human papilloma virus (HPV) has been developing and disrupt the body's immunity so that the resulting lower abdominal pain, sore appears on the thighs, pelvic joint pain during menstruation, pain when defecating and pain when having intercourse.

  • Bleeding 
Most women perceive that the bleeding that occurs due to abnormal menstrual cycles, but need to watch out if the blood drop out from your feminine area often and take place regularly hence should consult a doctor immediately.

  • Painful urination 
Bladder infected with the virus will result in the patient having pain urination is a symptom of cervical cancer entered an advanced stage.

  • Arising pain and bleeding during sex 
Often mutually couple in high-risk sexual intercourse lead to cervical cancer. When having sex frequently ill and bleeds caused by infection of the cervix severe.

  • Decreased appetite 
Decreased appetite decreased immunity caused so prone to stress, excessive anxiety, and interfere with energy. Moreover, this is a sign of the onset of symptoms of cervical cancer.

  • Swelling in the legs 
When you experience leg swelling for no reason, maybe this series of signs of cervical cancer-causing virus to attack your body.

  • Tired fast 
Fatigue which means that you are infected with HPV that cause fatigue without attacking your leisure time.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Brain Differences Men and Women

Low capacity differences between men and women has long been the main attraction among psychologists, particularly those engaged in differential psychology. No doubt, based on the public observation or research results show that between different creatures have different type, seen in physical and psychological aspects.

The results of a recent study conducted Ingalhalikar, (2013) to 949 participants young people aged 8-22 years showed that there are differences of brain connectivity between men and women. This study using Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) is an imaging technique that can reveal the structure of the life of the brain, capable of tracking and highlighting the fiber pathways that connect different brain regions.

Of the 428 men studied, the researchers found that the connections in the brain more men moving between the front and rear in the same hemisphere (inter-hemispheric connectivity). The movement of the connection from back to front is believed to be the brain activity that connects perception to action. This gave us the explanation that men have an advantage in motor skills and spatial skills (insight space) than women.

Meanwhile, of the 521 women who became participants in this study, the researchers noted that the connections in the brain more women move between the two hemispheres of the brain (intra-hemispheric connectivity). Lines of communication between the two hemispheres of the brain is believed to be the brain activity that connects intuition with analysis. This provides an explanation that women have an advantage in memory skills and social cognition skills.

The researchers also found that there is little difference in brain connectivity between men and women, before the age of 13 years. Different patterns of brain connectivity is very striking between the ages of 14-17 years, which is triggered by the onset of puberty and 17 years and over. Ruben Gur, a member in the study said :

".... Map this connection not only helps us better understand the differences of how men and women think, but also gives us a deeper understanding of the roots of neurological disorders, associated with gender. "    

Several previous studies have shown the existence of differences in the brain between men and women, but the study of the neural wiring that connects regions throughout the brain associated with cognitive skills, and involving a large population apparently never happened. 

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Identify the characteristics of brain cancer

Before you understand more about the symptoms of brain cancer, you need to understand the structure of the human brain first. The brain is an important organ that regulates all activities or movements of the human body. Just imagine you're on a motorcycle, how many activities you do? Seeing the road, driving, look left-right, see the rearview mirror, balance, yet again while thinking about what to eat tonight ... In the second, there are thousands of things that happen in your brain (which happens either consciously or unconsciously).

The brain can be multitasking like this because of all the activity regulated by different brain parts (each part has different functions). In general, the human brain is divided into three parts, namely a large brain (cerebrum), cerebellum (cerebellum) and brain stem (brain stem). Each section is subdivided into smaller sections, where each small part is divided again, and so on. Section fills the space between the brain fluid (cerebrospinal fluid), while the exterior is protected by three layers of the lining of the brain (meninges) and the skull.

The anatomy of the human brain
Well, every part of the brain can be affected by a tumor or cancer. Although benign tumors, but because of the growth in the brain, can be very dangerous. The tumors can interfere with the function and structure of the central nervous system damage, because it is located in the cavity of a limited (cranial cavity). Along with the development of these tumors, brain tissue will be more depressed. Though the volume of cranial cavity is very limited and not likely to grow. This is what makes the headache or dizziness as an initial symptom of brain cancer.

Baseline characteristics of brain cancer varies greatly, depending on the part of the brain is affected. For example headache or feel nauseated. Here are symptoms of brain cancer that you should be aware:

  • headaches accompanied by nausea to vomiting spray
  • reduced vision
  • loss of consciousness or behavior changes
  • talk interference
  • hearing
  • interference walk / body balance
  • nerves
  • limb movements or spasms weakened 
Remember, the list above is only a symptom. Even if you suffer from one or more of the above symptoms, you are not necessarily affected brain cancer. For sure, you should be examined by a doctor of neurons directly and undergo further examination such as CT scan, MRI, angiogram, Myelogram, spinal tap and biopsy.   

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Breast cancer-causing factors that must be considered

At this time the article I will discuss about the causes of breast cancer, the cancer is a terrible disease, a scourge because it can result in death for its victims.

On our minds if ever thought what is the cause why a person can have or had cancer of the breast is this terrible? There are several causes someone to lose their disease, the causes of breast cancer could be due to heredity or often called genetic, hereditary genes of the family, it is very big role in triggering the disease, the risk of breast cancer when my grandmother or mother who never experienced the disease then it will be inherited by their children and grandchildren so that people with a background of his family has been affected by this deadly disease has to be extra careful. In addition there are also environmental factors and eating food containing a lot of pesticides on this believe to be one of the main factors for the increasing number of patients who suffered from breast cancer.

Other than that I read several sources, according to the sources, there are several other factors that cause increased breast cancer survivors apart from the factor of lineage (the inheritance of genes), below you can see several factors the causes of breast cancer at the time of an increasingly sophisticated :
  1. The use of hormone pills: according to Dr. Wendy Chen as the head of research from Brigham and women's Hospital in Boston, the use of excessive hormone pill in women sufferers monopause turned out to be a cause of breast cancer and the use of hormones in the pills for long periods of time can increase the risk of developing breast cancer.
  2. The use of Pesticides on fruits and vegetables: from results issued through research by a university in a foreign country, the consumption of pesticides increase breast cancer risk for women, therefore it is strongly recommended to wash vegetables and fruit to clean before you consume them so that pesticides are sticking on vegetables and fruit were lost.
  3. Passive smokers : Passive Smokers smokers are people who don't smoke but do not deliberately suck the smoke released by the smoker often heard passive smokers are exposed to the risk from the hazards of cigarette smoke than smokers is active, this is the cause, according to experts from the California Enviromental Protection Agency passive Smokers have a close relationship with the risk of developing breast cancer, therefore do not become passive smokers and don't become active smokers, avoid people who smoke so that you don't become passive smokers.
  4. The use of cosmetics: the cosmetics ingredients are like hormones of estrogen increases the risk of causing risk experiencing sickness kaker breast, be careful in the use of cosmetics for your health.
  5. Artificial sweetener: artificial sweeteners are often used instead of those people for sugar because it was cheap, it was careful in eating out or eating street food for small children are bought out there, because of excessive consumption of artificial sweeteners can raise the risk of breast cancer disease affected, although this has not been fully proven in research is a good idea to avoid something that is not good for health.
  6. Soybeans: soybeans are indeed becoming a healthy diet for people who go on a diet but contained in phytoentrogens content of soybeans may increase the risk that can trigger the onset of breast cancer, this is due to the content of phytoestrogens that can improve growth hormone oestrogen, so it is recommended not to consume too much berlebihkan, soybeans are good for your health but something extravagant is not good.
That's some factors cause breast cancer, hopefully you all can keep people who cherished to avoid this dangerous disease, spread to people in order to reduce the risk of this disease, so it is better to prevent.
See also on other articles for health may increase your insight.

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