Sunday, January 12, 2014

Identify the characteristics of brain cancer

Posted by Atsumori. Category: ,

Before you understand more about the symptoms of brain cancer, you need to understand the structure of the human brain first. The brain is an important organ that regulates all activities or movements of the human body. Just imagine you're on a motorcycle, how many activities you do? Seeing the road, driving, look left-right, see the rearview mirror, balance, yet again while thinking about what to eat tonight ... In the second, there are thousands of things that happen in your brain (which happens either consciously or unconsciously).

The brain can be multitasking like this because of all the activity regulated by different brain parts (each part has different functions). In general, the human brain is divided into three parts, namely a large brain (cerebrum), cerebellum (cerebellum) and brain stem (brain stem). Each section is subdivided into smaller sections, where each small part is divided again, and so on. Section fills the space between the brain fluid (cerebrospinal fluid), while the exterior is protected by three layers of the lining of the brain (meninges) and the skull.

The anatomy of the human brain
Well, every part of the brain can be affected by a tumor or cancer. Although benign tumors, but because of the growth in the brain, can be very dangerous. The tumors can interfere with the function and structure of the central nervous system damage, because it is located in the cavity of a limited (cranial cavity). Along with the development of these tumors, brain tissue will be more depressed. Though the volume of cranial cavity is very limited and not likely to grow. This is what makes the headache or dizziness as an initial symptom of brain cancer.

Baseline characteristics of brain cancer varies greatly, depending on the part of the brain is affected. For example headache or feel nauseated. Here are symptoms of brain cancer that you should be aware:

  • headaches accompanied by nausea to vomiting spray
  • reduced vision
  • loss of consciousness or behavior changes
  • talk interference
  • hearing
  • interference walk / body balance
  • nerves
  • limb movements or spasms weakened 
Remember, the list above is only a symptom. Even if you suffer from one or more of the above symptoms, you are not necessarily affected brain cancer. For sure, you should be examined by a doctor of neurons directly and undergo further examination such as CT scan, MRI, angiogram, Myelogram, spinal tap and biopsy.   


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