Friday, June 7, 2013

Ideas: Free for the Taking

Posted by Atsumori. Category:

I have countless ideas.  I wish I could act on all of them, but I simply don't have the time or support.  So, if you want an idea, and you want to make an impact, here are some thoughts for your consideration.
  1. Start the school day with one hour of health training and team for children who face health risks such as obesity.  The hour lost with regard to academics will be an hour gained with respect to health, confidence, and future success.  Students would start the school day at a health facility with a qualified coach, pep talk, exercise, and a healthy breakfast. Start with your students who are at the greatest physical fitness risk.  Typically these are children whose families are unable to support their health needs for a wide variety of reasons.
  2. Change awards ceremonies for young children. Identify a passion or gift and award the child with that passion/gift title.  That will inspire future pursuit and confidence in that area.  
  3. Institute field study and real-world projects regularly as that will inspire life-long learners.
  4. Spend the time to nurture and develop an awesome group of community volunteers to support student reading, writing, and support. Teach the volunteers how to inspire, support, and motivate young children. Make the program a mainstay and give it the attention it deserves. 
  5. Create an online field study website that works like Priceline or Travelocity--a website where teachers can easily book field study experiences with one price, guidance, related documentation, and information.  That will streamline the connection between wonderful museums, nature preserves, historical societies, botanical gardens, artists-in-residence, cultural experiences and more with students.  This connection will serve to help teachers access funding and plan trips as well as creating life-long contributors and supporters with one-stop access.
  6. Institute "teach" requirements for every high school student so that they are responsible for a set number of hours of giving back to the elementary school. This will help elementary school teachers meet all needs whether it be in lunch rooms, classrooms, or on the playground.  Plus the high schoolers will bring the "cool factor."
What ideas do you have for the taking?  No idea is worthy unless it is acted on--the strength of the idea is the work that brings it to successful fruition.  

These are some ideas for the taking, ideas that will make a difference.  "Use or Loose" as a talented colleague suggests. 


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