Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Posted by Atsumori. Category: , , ,

Today I'm getting the chance to learn with students.  The teacher next door has invited my class to a STEAM (science, teach, engineering, art, math) share.  She and her students will share the many innovative projects they've embarked on over the year. They will also demonstrate the ways that they learn in hands-on, student-directed, investigative ways.

All year I've watched this class create with enthusiasm.  Hence, I'm looking forward to this collective way to learn. While in the room I plan to do a lot of observation and take lots of notes since I plan to replicate this learning event in my own classroom soon.  Then I plan to think more deeply about the tools and strategies I see over the summer so that I can employ similar strategies next year.

My grade level colleagues and I have started thinking about new ways to share our strengths and teaching strategies; we hope to get into each other's rooms more often next year to observe and share.  We've built a strong level of collegial trust and common vision which makes this possible. I'm excited about the learning to come as I know this will help us to teach children well.


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