Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Topic List Gadget: Assess Your Year's Considerations

Posted by Atsumori. Category:

Blog Topic List
If you're a blogger who wants to assess your year, you can simply use the "topic links" gadget to essentially organize all of your posts. When the "topic links" gadget lists your main topics, the size and weight of the font is related to the number of posts you've written about that topic.  It's similar to taking an entire post, then making a word cloud of the post.  The word cloud highlights the main idea or primary emphases of the post, article, or story by making the most used words big and powerful.

Hence if you look at my topic list just below my blog's header or at the top of this page you'll note that collaboration won first place for my consideration this year.  I'm sure this was due to the fact that our school is embracing greater collaboration in all that we do both with students and colleagues through the use of structures such as PBL, RTI, and PLCs.  This increase in collaboration is a shift that's both challenging and rewarding. Also social media streams, edcamps, and the Internet are broadening our concept of collaboration to the action of working with colleagues online from near and far all over the world to better our craft and teach children well.

I haven't linked all of my posts yet.  That's something I'll do in the weeks to come, and as I link, I'll pay special attention to the topics that come out on top, and those that are written with tiny, thin letters at the end as that tells a story about my focus and intent for the past year as well as shedding light on the changes, goals, and pursuits ahead.


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