Saturday, June 1, 2013

Thank You!

Posted by Atsumori. Category: ,

As the year rolls to the finish line, I am thinking about all the people I should thank.  Though I can be seen as a contrarian who is always pushing for new and better with critical analysis, I really am grateful for so many that provide me with the support, encouragement, motivation, skill, and understanding it takes to do your best work during the school year.

Hence a thank you list.

First, I want to thank my building administrator who truly embraces the notion of servant leadership as he encourages and supports the multitude of diverse learning and teaching styles displayed by the many children and educators in our building. The fact that he embraces diversity with respect and care has made our school a dynamic school.

Next, I want to thank the many leaders I work with. I want to thank them for the times that they support us with responsive and timely tools, strategies, and learning endeavors that forward our work with students.

After that, I want to thank the family members.  I have found that families have been eager to become active members of the learning community if given voice and choice. I hope to continue to build my efforts to bring families into the decisions and daily efforts of classroom life.  Parents frequent supportive emails, ideas, targeted questions, help, and encouragement have made all the difference this year.

Then, I want to thank my collegial group. I want to thank them for working with me to build a vision and practice that serves children well.

Of course, I want to thank the students who motivate me daily with their honesty, playfulness, surprises, challenges, kindness, hugs, wisdom, and potential.

And, the community that I work in.  As I've mentioned many times, I stay in this community because of the incredible support they bring to education.

Finally, the many support staff that make our work possible including the bus drivers, crossing guards, custodians, food service personnel, administrative staff, grounds crew, nurses, and more.

This year of innovation and change has been a bumpy, but successful road.  One which could not have succeeded without the care and support of so many.


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