Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Facts About Calories

Posted by Atsumori. Category:

Calories are the basic unit that has a unique concept. Read the suggestions in this article and your body will start to lose a few pounds.

Really calorie fuel the body? Actually not. The body is not a steam engine. It does not rely on heat, but the chemical energy, is driven by the oxidation of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins that occur in the cell mitochondria. "Mitochondria is like a little powerhouse," said Maciej Buchowski, Ph.D., research professor at the medical center at Vanderbilt University. "But, the body does not have only one center of power, but a few trillion, which is more efficient." Our advice "Know also the amount of carbohydrates, fats, and protein-calorie apart-when you evaluate the food you eat.

Are all calories equal ? Not really. Fuel for the body consists of three sources : protein , carbohydrates , and fats . " Each one is processed by the body in different ways , " says Alan Aragon , MS , a nutrition consultant Men's Health magazine . So, the old idea that " calories in equals calories out " is a bit misleading . Because of carbohydrates , proteins , and fats have different effects . Example : For every 100 calories of carbohydrates you eat , the body uses calories to digest 5-10 . With fats , you use a little less than that amount . Who won in burning calories is protein : For every 100 calories of protein you consume , the body requires 20-30 calories for digestion , Buchowski said .Carbohydrate and fat calories with easy release . They supply the energy needed for fast ( instant ) . Thus , carbohydrate and fat can bring the energy used by the body than protein . Our advice if you want to lose weight , prioritize protein in any diet that you consume.

Is every calorie that goes to be digested? Not as simple as that. He passed through the stomach and up into the small intestine, which absorbs all the nutrients as possible through the porous walls of the intestine. However, 5-10% of calories can get away with not absorbed. Fat digestion is more efficient because it went into the intestinal wall with ease. While animal protein will be digested than vegetable. Various carbohydrate processed at different speeds. Glucose and starch rapidly absorbed, while fiber is somewhat more difficult. And, kind of 'insoluble fiber' in some complex carbohydrates, such as from vegetables and grains, tends to block the absorption of other calories. "With a high fiber diet, such as 60 grams per day, you may lose up to 20% of the calories you consume," said Wanda Howellm Ph.D., professor of nutritional sciences at the University of Arizona. Our suggestion consumption of at least 35-40 grams of fiber each day.

Is it true that exercise burns calories as our large ? Absolutely not . Most of the calories you burn in a slow time , thus providing fuel for your body's basic metabolism , says Warren Willey , DO , author of Better Than Steroids . If you want to use more fuel , step on the gas pedal in your daily activities . " Approximately 60-70 % of the number of calories you use is used to enable the normal functioning of your body , " said Howell . This includes replacing the tissue cells , transporting oxygen , repair minor injuries and others. Then , there is also the calories lost because N.E.A.T. ( nonexercise activity thermogenesis - combustion of non - exercise activity ) . NEAT consists of movements that you do outside the gym - the calories you burn while making breakfast , playing games on the office computer , or to catch a bus on the way home . Our advice Take some rest breaks from your desk ( and couch ) to move your body and burn calories ' bonus . '

Really low calorie foods to help lose weight? not always
Low calorie processed foods can be weak allies in your fight to lose weight. For example, sugar-free foods. Avoiding sugar may be the easiest way to reduce calories. However, food manufacturers usually replace sugar with sugar-free sweeteners. And, artificial sweeteners can backfire. The theory is, the promise of sugar that offer fewer calories can actually cause excessive eating habits (than usual). "Most people count calories, when what needs to be done is to focus on the content and composition of food," said Alderman. Our advice rather than thinking of sugar or artificial sweeteners, better fill your plate with low-calorie foods-high-quality: Fruits and vegetables.


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