Friday, December 13, 2013

Science and Technology

Posted by Atsumori. Category: ,

Among scientists there is uniformity of opinion, that the "science" is always composed of knowledge on a regular basis, which is obtained in the base of the pedestal (object) specified by a systematic, methodical, rational / logical, empirical, general and accumulative. While in providing the sense of "knowledge", Bacon and David Home, expressed as the knowledge and experience of the inner senses, Immanuel Kant stated that knowledge is a unity between the mind and experience, while Phyrro theory explains that there is no certainty in knowledge.

Science has basically three components of the formulation buffer body of knowledge, namely:

  • Merely an epistemological matter how knowledge is acquired and organized into bodies of knowledge.
  • Ontological nature of what can be interpreted as reviewed by knowledge, so it is clear that the scope equivalent examination of an advanced object. Or in other words ontologism a formal object of a science.
  • Axiological science is the principle use or function of science.
Academically it can be said that knowledge (body of knowledge), and technology as an art (state of arts) containing pengetian associated with the production process; regarding how various sources, land, capital, labor and skills are combined to realize the purpose of production. "Conventionally includes mastery of the physical and biological world, but also broadly covers social technology, especially social teknoogi development (the social technology of development) so that it is Merode systematic technology to achieve human goals (Eugene Stanley, 1970).

The technology is growing rapidly covering various fields of human life. The breadth of the field of engineering is described as follows:

  • Techniques meluputi economics, meaning the technique is able to produce industrial goods. With the technique, capable of concentrating capital, causing economic centralization.
  • Techniques include organizational fields such as administration, governance, management, law and the military.
  • Techniques include human field. The technique has been mastered all sectors of human life, people increasingly have to adapt to the world of engineering and there is no element of the human person free from the influence of the technique.

Positive impact of science and technology development

  1. Providing various facilities
  2. Facilitate the spread of a variety of information
  3. Increased knowledge and insight
Negative impact of science and technology development

  1. Affect patterns of thinking
  2. The loss of traditional culture
  3. Many cause a variety of damage


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