Friday, December 6, 2013

What is digital citizenship ?

Posted by Atsumori. Category:

The concept of Digital Citizenship appear along with the enormity of the development of information technology and the Internet which is supported by the presence of various networking sites, either in the form of macroblog or microblog. Today, hundreds of millions of people from around the world have taken advantage of the presence of networking sites as a platform for mutual interaction between one individual to another individual digitally. They merge to form specific communities to share information and utilize various distributed content, either in the form of videos, e-books, images, and others.

The use of networking sites in Indonesia seemed to show significant progress and has penetrated almost all the layers, ranging from presidents, politicians, celebrities, academics, to the general public, including our children. Until the year 2012, seen from the user growth rate, Indonesia is the largest country Keduang, after India, and is estimated to reach approximately 51.6% growth rate. (

Facebook seems to still be the favorite choice and ranks first as a networking site that many people use, followed by Twitter at second. Based on the data owned by the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, a total of approximately 43.06 million people who use the social networking site Facebook ( Those who take advantage and join in a range of networking sites that later formed the present conception of Digital Citizenship.

So, what actually was Digital Citizenship? provide a formulation of the Digital Citizenship as "the quality of an individual's response to membership in a community". Meanwhile, provide an understanding of Digital Citizenship as "the norms of NAMAs, responsible behavior with regard to technology use". Formulation of more to do with the use of social networks, while giving the sense Digital Citizenship in the context of the wider use of technology. From both these formulations appears that Digital Citizenship refers to the quality of individual behavior in interacting in the virtual world, especially in social networking, with demonstrated responsible behavior, in accordance with the norms and ethics.

Digital Citizenship in touch with the ability to manage and monitor the behavior of the use of technology, in which there are safety, ethics, norms, and culture.

  • How should we use information technology safely, do not cause any harm and endanger the safety of themselves and others.
  • How should we communicate in social networks while maintaining ethics, referring to the norms prevailing in the internal environment, national and universal.
  • How should we transact information in cyberspace, especially in upload / download content and transact through the online shop.

Seeing the development of the Internet and the use of networking sites in Indonesia so rapidly, on the one hand can be regarded as an advance,-at least people have learned to know the technology, but on the other hand raises its own concerns, especially when it is associated with Digital Citizenship. Boediono Darsono, Editor in Chief Detikcom, mentions the use of social networking sites in Indonesia has many challenges that still uses to less productive things. (

Networking sites used most often suspected person or entity to revile and defame others. If you had followed the comments in various online media , especially those connected to social networking sites , you can find dozens or hundreds of comments that describe how they need to improve understanding and awareness of the Digital Citizenship.

To be a digital citizen ( Digital Citizen ) healthy and dignified course is required education itself. At school , students need to be taught in accessing a variety of information via the internet correctly and able to communicate in a civilized networking sites that follow . " Digital Citizenship Must Become part of our school culture - not just a class or lesson but the way we do business in education" , so suggestions from Mike S. Ribble and Gerald D. Bailey. On the other hand , Agus Sampurno in a blog that manages to remind us about the importance of educators to keep students on internet safety .

compiled from various sources


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