Saturday, July 13, 2013

Does a Passion Become a Pattern?

Posted by Atsumori. Category:

Does a passion become a pattern?

I've always enjoyed drawing and writing, but in the past that activity was reserved for a journal next to my bed, doodling during presentations, workshops, and classes, and required project work.

The advent of email, collaborative documents, Twitter, websites, and blogs changed that quiet, individual passion by providing an accessible, at-home, cost efficient way to write, draw, publish, share, learn, and revise.

Hence, what was once a passion alone is becoming a pattern--a daily pattern of writing, illustrating, sharing, and revising.

At this stage passion and pattern are colleagues and competitors.  Passion would like take all the minutes of the day, while pattern urges order, balance, and rhythm. The two feed each other creating an elasticity and energy similar to images I've seen of atoms in motion.

So does passion become a pattern?  Or is the energy of passion too chaotic, powerful, and unpredictable to become a pattern? What do you think?

I'd like to make a movie of this question with SCRATCH


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