Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Reflection #16: Respects Differences

Posted by Atsumori. Category:

Teaching Culture Also Promotes Respect for Differences.
 The Massachusetts Educator Evaluation Rubric element 2C1, Respects Differences, essentially leads educators to create learning environments where everyone feels welcome, and where everyone has a voice. This element challenges educators to make sure that every child "sees" himself or herself in the curriculum. Classroom signage, curriculum, and libraries that represent diverse backgrounds, identities, languages, strengths, and challenges set the stage for an inviting, welcoming learning environment. Specific units and lessons that focus on the strengths and challenges related to diversity also help to build a strong teaching/learning environment.  Educators are obligated to make the time to learn about the backgrounds, identities, languages, strengths, and challenges of their learners through conversation, study, student-family events, and collegial collaboration. Knowing and understanding our students well is a key to teaching/learning success. 

The school system that I work for has made considerable efforts in this regard. All teachers attend diversity training. Our library and curriculum materials, cultural enrichment events, and professional learning endeavor build respect for diversity and a program where students can "see themselves" in the curriculum. Specifically our grade level has several units that provide students with an opportunity to share their backgrounds, strengths, challenges, and interests through writing, culture study, and literary discussion and share. While we have made great gains in this area of school life, it is an area that requires constant attention, learning, and tending in order to teach children well. 

As you reflect on element 2C1, read the standard, indicator, element, criteria, key points, and questions below.  Use the grid to reflect upon, and to make notes related to this element's implications for your own practice. 

Standard II: Teaching All Students. The teacher promotes the learning and growth of all students through instructional practices that establish high expectations, create a safe and effective classroom environment, and demonstrate cultural proficiency

Indicator II-C. Cultural Proficiency: Actively creates and maintains an environment in which students’ diverse backgrounds, identities, strengths, and challenges are respected.

Element II-C-1: Respects Differences

Criteria (exemplary)
Establishes an environment in which students respect and affirm their own and others’ differences and are supported to share and explore differences and similarities related to background, identity, language, strengths, and challenges. Is able to model this practice.

Key Points/Questions:
  • Establishes an environment in which students respect and affirm their own and others' differences. How do you create and foster an environment where students respect and affirm each others' differences?
  • Support sharing and exploring differences. What opportunities do you create and support for students to share their differences and similarities related to background, identity, language, strengths, and challenges?

Key Points
Effective Efforts

Implications for Your Practice
Establishes an environment in which students respect and affirm their own and others' differences.
Support sharing and exploring differences.
How do you create and foster an environment where students respect and affirm each others' differences?
  • Start the year with meaningful, enjoyable get-to-know each other activities.
  • Represent all students with respect to books chosen, classroom signage, field studies and any learning experience so that students “see themselves” in the classroom program.
  • Make time to know your students well, and learn about their collective differences and similarities.
  • Survey families and students regularly about the environment with regard to respect and affirmation.
  • Respond immediately, professionally, and with care to issues and actions of disrespect and prejudice.

Support sharing and exploring differences.
What opportunities do you create and support for students to share their differences and similarities related to background, identity, language, strengths, and challenges?
  • Create opportunities for students’ to share their background, identity, language, strengths, and challenges in classroom discussions, bulletin boards, project work, online share, and throughout the classroom program.
  • Ensure that students can “see themselves” in the content, process, and special events related to the curriculum.
  • Let students know that all students have a place in your class, and encourage students to speak up if this does not happen.

My self analysis and action steps related to this element.

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