Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Teach Children Well: A Self Reflection Journey #5

Collaborative Coaching Document Sample
We are living in a data driven time. Data, in many cases, drives the work we do with students every day. In many ways, I've found that efficient, targeted, reliable measures help us to focus our work for better effect.  

Element 1B-1 focuses on using a variety of measurements. The key here is to establish measurement and assessment systems prior to the school year, and during the creation of each unit.  Year-long measures should include identified system-wide standardized tests in essential areas, progress monitoring, and collaborative teaching/coaching records such as the model on the upper right. Unit measurements should include pre-assessments, formative assessments, observation, conversation, and summative or post assessments.  Unit measurements should mostly be planned during the unit design stage, though there will be a need for ongoing formative assessment in response to student learning needs, interests, and passions as well as lesson strategy and instructional effectiveness. 

Today read through the standard, indicator, element, key points, questions, and charts below.  Think about your process of identifying and utilizing measurements throughout the year--measurements related to year-long initiatives and efforts, and measurements related to specific teaching units. 

Standard I: Curriculum, Planning, and Assessment. The teacher promotes the learning and growth of all students by providing high quality and coherent instruction, designing and administering authentic and meaningful student assessments, analyzing student performance and growth data, using this data to improve instruction, providing students with constructive feedback on an ongoing basis and continuously refining learning objectives.

Indicator I-B Assessment: Uses a variety of informal and formal methods of assessments to measure student learning, growth, and understanding to develop differentiated and enhanced learning experiences and improve future instruction.

Element 1B-1
: Variety of Assessment Methods

Criteria: (from proficient/exemplary descriptors)
Designs, uses, and models an integrated, comprehensive system of informal and formal assessments, including common interim assessments, to measure student learning, growth, and progress towards achieving state/local standards, 

Key Points/Questions:
  • Designs, uses, and models an integrated comprehensive system of informal and formal assessments. As you plan and implement unit lessons, how do you design, use, and model the use of pre-assessments, formative assessments, and post assessments?
  • Measure student learning, growth, and progress towards state/local standards. In what ways will you chart student learning growth, and respond to that growth to reach standards?

Standard 1B-1: Variety of Assessment Methods from Educator Evaluation Document

Key Points
Effective Efforts
Implications for Your Practice
Designs, uses, and models an integrated comprehensive system of informal and formal assessments.
As you plan and implement unit lessons, how do you design, use, and model the use of pre-assessments, formative assessments, and post assessments?
Design Assessments with the Following Attributes
  • efficient, effective
  • targeted
  • easy to assess
  • Standardized tests such as MCAS, PARCC, GRADE, GMADE, Dibels, Online analytics related to specific programs.
  • Observation, conversation, teacher/team created assessments related to specific standards.
Formative Assessments
  • Regular “check-in” points to determine student learning, teaching effectiveness, next steps and new, revised strategies.
Summative Assessment/Reflection
  • Unit tests that assess overall unit learning, needs, and future goals.

Measure student learning, growth, and progress towards state/local standards.
In what ways will you chart student learning growth, and respond to that growth to reach standards?
Student Measurement Collection and Analysis
  • Use system-wide systems and/or create your own system of individual and class measurements, assessments, and scores.
  • Use a system that is easy to access and transparent to interested parties such as students, family members, colleagues and leaders.
  • Update system regularly.
  • Use the measurement collection system as a source of reflection with regard to best instruction decisions for each child so that all children reach standards with effectiveness and engagement.

Implications for My Practice from My Self Assessment Document.
Double click image above to see an enlarged copy. 
Earlier Reflections


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