Thursday, July 25, 2013

I Pledge Allegiance. . .

Posted by Atsumori. Category:

Who do you pledge allegiance to?

In this age of competing interests in education, allegiance is an important concept to consider?

Who do you pledge allegiance to with regard to your work and efforts, and how do you monitor, assess, and demonstrate that allegiance?

When cronyism reigns, people pledge allegiance to friends and relatives. When greed prevails people pledge allegiance to their personal quest at the expense of others and putting ambition before mission? When true professionalism reigns, allegiance is focused on the job's mission. And, when humanity trumps, allegiance is pledged to what's best for people.

In education allegiance has always been met with challenge because choosing the needs of children over other competing interests has often placed teachers in the role of advocates and activists standing up for what's right for our youngest citizens, people without voting rights and income.

Hence, as you move forward in your educational career, consider who you pledge allegiance to, and how that allegiance is demonstrated in your time, efforts, and actions.

Discussions like this one make me realize that I want to place the sign at the top of the page on my classroom door as a reminder of who I pledge allegiance to as an educator, and as I consider this sign I want to mainly remember those children without the supports that many enjoy supports like loving, caring families, economic security, good health, proper nutrition, and happy, engaging recreation. I pledge allegiance to . . .


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