Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Reflection #17: Maintains Respectful Environment

Posted by Atsumori. Category:

The Massachusetts Educator Evaluation Rubric element 2C2, Maintains Respectful Environment, prompts educators to anticipate the class culture to come. In this regard, it is essential for educators to get to know their students through collegial conversations, record review, and early year assessments and observations.  Educators can prevent conflict by knowing their students well by researching and understanding student backgrounds, strengths, challenges, identities, and languages. Educators may also welcome any desired family interaction at the start of the year in an effort to know and understand their students.  Early in the year, educators should employ meaningful activities and conversations that promote class community.  In a similar regard, educators can prevent substantial conflicts by conversing with students about the topic of conflict--what conflict looks like, why it happens, and the kinds of responses that make a difference.  Students could potentially practice conflict resolution language and action to strengthen their ability.  School-wide efforts are advantageous too.  For example, our school hosted Power of One, a terrific anti-bullying, respect presentation. Efforts related to this element will differ from school to school, and grade to grade.  What's important is that teachers model and support an environment that welcomes all, and an environment that resolves conflicts in timely, caring, peaceful ways. 

As you reflect on element 2C2, read the standard, indicator, element, criteria, key points, and questions below.  Use the grid to reflect upon, and to make notes related to this element's implications for your own practice. 

Standard II: Teaching All Students. The teacher promotes the learning and growth of all students through instructional practices that establish high expectations, create a safe and effective classroom environment, and demonstrate cultural proficiency

Indicator II-C. Cultural Proficiency: Actively creates and maintains an environment in which students’ diverse backgrounds, identities, strengths, and challenges are respected.

Element II-C-2: Maintains Respectful Environment

Criteria (exemplary)
Anticipates and responds appropriately to conflicts or misunderstandings arising from differences in backgrounds, languages, and identities in ways that lead students to be able to do the same independently. Is able to model this practice.

Key Points/Questions:

  • Anticipates conflicts, misunderstandings arising from differences. What steps do you take to anticipate class culture challenges?
  • Responds appropriately to conflicts or misunderstandings arising from differences in backgrounds, language, and identities? What conflict resolution process and language do you consistently use to help students work through challenging misunderstandings and conflict?
  • In ways that lead students to be able to do the same. What classroom protocols and norms do you model and encourage with regard to conflict resolution and respect for differences?

Element 2C2:Maintains a Respectful Environment
Key Points
Effective Efforts

Implications for Your Practice
Anticipates conflicts, misunderstandings arising from differences.
What steps do you take to anticipate class culture challenges?

  • Engage in collegial conversation and records review to know your class prior to the start of the year.
  • Take the time at the start of the year to get to know your class, and to let them know each other.
  • Study any student profile attribute that you’re unfamiliar with.
  • Welcome families who have information they want to share related to their child’s profile.
  • Seek out families with questions you have about a child’s profile if the questions relate to your ability to teach the child well.

Responds appropriately to conflicts or misunderstandings arising from differences in backgrounds, language, and identities?
What conflict resolution process and language do you consistently use to help students work through challenging misunderstandings and conflict?
  • Understand and use a consistent conflict resolution protocol, preferably one used by the school.
  • Practice using the conflict resolution protocol with students at the start of the year, before any conflicts arise.
  • Know who your support personnel are should there be a conflict you’re unsure of or unable to resolve with students.

In ways that lead students to be able to do the same.
What classroom protocols and norms do you model and encourage with regard to conflict resolution and respect for differences?
  • Have conflict resolution responses and language posted in the classroom to help students.

My self analysis and action steps related to this element.

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